Out-of-hours medical posts

You are in need of an urgent out-of-hours medical consultation? You can come to one of our 6 Brussels-based medical posts (during weeknights, weekends, and on bank holidays) for ad hoc assistance. Your MD/GP will receive a medical report after the consultation to ensure a proper follow-up.


When you come for a consultation, please bring along:

  • Your ID card + your Bank card
  • 1000 - Botanique

    Rue de Brouchoven de Bergeyckstraat 2
    1000 Brussels
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 7pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Bus: Berlaimont/Botanique

    Metro: Botanique

    Paying car park nearby

  • 1000 - St-Pierre

    Rue Haute 290
    1000 Brussels
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 6pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Tram: Poelaert

    Metro: Porte de Hal / Hallepoort

    Paying car park available in the hospital 


  • 1030

    Chaussée de Haecht, 579
    1030 Schaerbeek
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 7pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Bus: Foyer schaerbeekois

    Tram: Hôpital Paul Brien

    Car park available 



  • 1040

    Rue d'Oultremont # Rue Charles Degroux
    1040 Etterbeek
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 7pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Bus - Tram : Mérode / Georges Henri

    Métro : Mérode

    Paying car park available next to the medical post


  • 1070

    Avenue  Albert De Coster, 3
    1070 Anderlecht
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 7pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Bus - Métro - Tram : Hôpital Joseph Bracops - Veeweyde

    Car park available 




  • 1190 

    Avenue Molière, 34
    1190 Forest
    T. : 02 201 22 22
    Opening hours:

    During the week: 7pm – 12am

    Weekends and bank holidays: 8am – 12am

    Public transport stops:

    Bus - Tram : Altitute Cent / Molière Longchamp

    Payant parking in the street




Home visits

If you are unable to come to one of our medical posts, call 1733 we will send an on-call MD/GP to your home as soon as possible. Home visits are organised during the week from 7pm to 8am and on weekends and bank holidays around the clock. The service covers all 19 municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region.

When you call with the request for a home visit, you will have to give us the following information:

  • Information about your symptoms and physical abilities
  • Your address and phone number
  • Your national registration number (if you do not know where to find it, have your ID card handy)
  • The name of your personal/family doctor


After the consultation with our on-duty MD/GP, your personal/family doctor will receive a medical report. 

Officially-defined fees

All consultations are charged following the officially-defined fees (NIHDI). There are several possibilities for the payment:

  • If you are entitled to a higher reimbursement rate, the third-party payment system can be applied. Then, you only pay the amount that corresponds to your personal intervention.
  • If you possess a valid emergency medical assistance card from the CPAS/OCMW, you will not have to pay for the consultation. The invoice will directly be sent to your public social welfare centre.
  • If you are registered within a Medical House, the third-party payment system will also be applied. Then, you only pay the amount that corresponds to your personal intervention, while the "third-party" amount will be invoiced to your Medical House.
  • If you are not insured through the Belgian social security system, you will have to pay for the total amount of the consultation but we will give you a document that will allow you to be reimbursed by the social security system of your home country.
How to find a personal/family doctor

Are you looking for a personal/family doctor in your neighbourhood? Consult the FAMGB or the BHAK website to find contact details of all MD/GPs in Brussels.